Class Schedule

circle of students in child's pose

Greetings Everyone!

New classes are on hold for the summer. There will be an entirely new schedule beginning mid-August. That schedule should be posted by mid-July.

All updates on classes will be sent out via email as well as posted here. If you are not on my mailing list, and would like to be, you can add yourself here.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

– Amy

Morning Classes – Slow and Steady Yoga

Slow and steady is the classic amy-style class that includes strength, balance, and flexibility in a light-hearted and mindful container. These classes are customized based on the people who show up. In general, the Monday morning class tends to be a stronger class and is best for more experienced practitioners. Saturdays we include more of a meditative flow with gently held postures, though still may include strength and balance. All classes are adjusted to the day and group as needed.

Evening/Afternoon Classes – Slow Flow and Stretch

These later in the day gentle classes are great for beginners or anyone who wants to slow down and be more attentive to their bodies with movement and range of motion. There is always opportunity for questions and exploration.

Meditation and Flow in an Entangled World

 4 cycles, 6 weeks each, Wednesday Mornings 10-11:30 (see specifics below)

Yoga, when practiced regularly, can help us navigate the ups and downs of living in a human body in a very complex and entangled world. There will be 4 cycles of six week classes, each organized around the seasons and cycles of our lives. Each class will include a movement practice and a guided meditation that supports and extends the practice. You will have the opportunity to take specific reflections and practices off the mat and into your every day life. (Homework optional!)

Classes are limited to 8 people. You can choose to register for all four cycles of classes, or register separately for different cycles. When you sign up for any cycle, please be sure that you are available to attend all 6 classes.

Registration is open now for the third cycle: Autumn Equinox series – August 21 thorugh Sept 25.

You do not have to take these in order, and you can register for all or some of the cycles.

Please contact me directly for registration links.
Individual cycles are $97 each

All classes meet on Wednesdays, 10-11:30am. Dates for the upcoming cycles are as follows:

Cycle Three: Autumn Equinox
Wednesdays Aug 21 – Sep 25, 10-11:30am

Cycle Four: Winter Solstice
Wednesdays Nov 6 – Dec 18, 10-11:30am (no class Nov 27)